5 All Posters

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Link to  Défendez-Vous Contre la Syphilis PosterFrance, c. 1930  Product
Défendez-Vous Contre la Syphilis Poster Product Link
France, c. 1930
31 x 23 in (79 x 58 cm)
Link to  Aronal PosterSwitzerland, 1946  Product
Aronal Poster Product Link
Switzerland, 1946
51 x 36 in (130 x 91 cm)
Link to  Dentifrice PyocrinolFrance  Product
Dentifrice Pyocrinol Product Link
12 x 10 in (30 x 25 cm)
Link to  Pate Dentifrice Cadum Poster ✓France, c. 1950  Product
Pate Dentifrice Cadum Poster ✓ Product Link
France, c. 1950
30 x 44 in (76 x 112 cm)
Link to  Tooth Brush Poem1932  Product
Tooth Brush Poem Product Link
13 x 17 in (32 x 43 cm)